21st Century Cures

In the 21st Century, the pace of health care innovation is rapidly accelerating. From the mapping of the human genome to the rise of personalized medicines that are linked to advances in molecular medicine, we have seen numerous breakthroughs that are changing the face of disease treatment, management, and cures. Health research is moving quickly, but the federal drug and device approval apparatus is in many ways the relic of another era. We have dedicated scientists and bold leaders at agencies like the NIH and the FDA, but when our laws don’t keep pace with innovation, we all lose.

The 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114-146) accelerates the discovery, development, and delivery new cures and treatments.  This game-changing law brings our health care innovation infrastructure into the 21st Century, delivering hope for patients and loved ones, and providing necessary resources to researchers to continue their efforts to uncover the next generation of cures and treatments.

H.R. 34, the 21st Century Cures Act passed the House of Representatives on November 30, 2016, and passed the Senate on December 7, 2016. The 21st Century Cures Act was signed into law on December 13, 2016.


Additional Resources on the 21st Century Cures Act (2016)

21st Century Cures Act Repository