The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs & More American Jobs Act

Sep 15, 2014

Creating Jobs and Keeping Energy Affordable

The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs & More American Jobs Act

Sponsored by Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) 

Throughout the 113th Congress, the House has pursued policies to realize the benefits of America’s newfound energy abundance. We have passed dozens of bills to build a modern energy infrastructure, promote the safe and responsible production of America’s energy resources, ensure all Americans have access to affordable and reliable electricity, promote efficient new technologies, and unleash the power of energy diplomacy. This week, the House will stand up in support of jobs and lower energy prices as we reaffirm our support for these commonsense energy solutions. The House will vote on a comprehensive energy package to support the following policy goals:

Building a Modern Energy Infrastructure

To keep pace with North America’s growing energy supplies, we need to build a modern new infrastructure to connect these resources to markets and consumers. For Americans to fully enjoy the benefits of our new energy abundance, it must be transported to those who need it, but federal tape and archaic permitting processes continue to block job-creating distribution projects like pipelines and transmission lines from being constructed in a timely and efficient manner. The House is acting on commonsense solutions to build the Keystone XL pipeline while also ensuring that future cross-border energy projects do not fall victim to the same sort of delays. We are also working to speed up the construction of interstate natural gas pipelines so we can deliver relief from high energy prices, especially in those regions of the country where pipeline shortages are hurting consumers. 

Ensuring Access to Affordable and Reliable Electricity

Affordable and reliable electricity is the backbone for our competitive economy and a vital resource for American families, but new federal regulations are attempting to limit the nation’s generation mix and drive up electricity rates. Base-load generation sources like coal and nuclear are now in jeopardy. To ensure Americans have continued access to affordable and reliable energy now and in the future, we are working to protect a true all-of-the-above electricity portfolio and ensure that we understand the full impact of the Obama administration’s energy rules on jobs and energy prices before they are implemented. 

Promoting New Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies

Promoting energy efficiency is one of the easiest ways to reduce waste and cut costs for consumers and taxpayers. The House has passed a number of bipartisan energy efficiency bills to help identify cost-saving opportunities for the federal government and further encourage private sector innovation. We are also working to promote the development of new and renewable sources of energy like hydropower.

Supporting the Safe and Responsible Development of America’s Energy Resources

America is a nation blessed with an abundance of energy resources, but federal red tape continues to block the production of American energy. While the Obama administration likes to boast about America’s energy boom, the oil and natural gas revolution is occurring in spite of the president’s policies, not because of them. In fact, since 2009, all of the increases in U.S. oil and natural gas production have occurred on state and private lands where the federal government is not involved. To secure America’s energy independence and bring down prices at the pump, we must develop all of our energy resources. The House is working to remove barriers to American energy production by allowing increased energy development offshore and on federal lands.

Unleashing America’s Energy Diplomacy

In this new era of energy abundance, the U.S. has an opportunity to use our energy as a diplomatic tool. For example, thanks to American innovation and new advancements in technology, we are now able to produce enough natural gas supplies to take care of our domestic needs and still have supplies left to let our allies buy energy from us, rather than being held hostage to unstable regions of the world. By speeding up the approval of liquified natural gas (LNG) exports, the House is taking advantage of this opportunity to help free our allies from the grip of Russia’s influence while supporting job creation and economic growth here at home.

The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs & More American Jobs Act includes the following bills previously passed by the House that remain #StuckInTheSenate:

H.R. 3, the Northern Route Approval Act, authored by Representative Lee Terry, that allows construction  of the Keystone XL pipeline;

H.R. 1900, the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act, authored by Representative Mike Pompeo, which modernizes the review process for natural gas pipeline permit applications;

H.R. 3301, the North American Energy Infrastructure Act, authored by Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, which strengthens our partnerships with Canada and Mexico in order to build a more secure and efficient North American energy market;

H.R. 1582, the Energy Consumers Relief Act, authored by Representative Bill Cassidy, which ensures congressional oversight of energy-related rules costing more than $1 billion;

H.R. 3826, the Electricity Security & Affordability Act, authored by Representative Ed Whitfield, that protects reliable and affordable electricity sources;

H.R. 4801, authored by Representative Adam Kinzinger, that studies the impact and cost effectiveness of thermal insulation in federal buildings to promote energy efficiency;

H.R. 6, the Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act, authored by Representative Cory Gardner, which expedites the export of U.S. liquefied natural gas to our allies;

H.R. 4899, the Lowering Gas Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act, authored by Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, which increases offshore production in areas containing the most oil and natural gas resources;

H.R. 1963, the Bureau of Reclamation Conduit Hydropower Development Equity and Jobs Act, authored by Representative Steve Daines, which authorizes the Bureau of Reclamation to enter into leases with nonfederal entities to develop hydropower at 11 water project facilities currently owned by the federal government;

H.R. 2640, the Central Oregon Jobs and Water Security Act, authored by Representative Greg Walden, which allows for construction of a hydropower facility at the Bowman Dam;

H.R. 2728, the Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act, authored by Representative Bill Flores, that protects American energy production by recognizing states’ authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing;

H.R. 2824, the Preventing Government Waste & Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act, authored by Representative Bill Johnson, which prevents the administration from developing new job-killing coal regulations; and

H.R. 2641, the Responsible And Professionally Invigorating Development Act, authored by Representative Tom Marino, which establishes a more streamlined and transparent federal permitting process for construction projects.
