The Pelosi Prescription
WASHINGTON, DC – No more hearings. No subcommittee markup. No answers to critical questions. When you dive into the details of the partisan Pelosi plan, it's no wonder the Speaker does not want regular order (even though we were promised it).
The Pelosi prescription means fewer cures for patients who count on American innovation for hope. Estimates from the rushed, partial CBO score find that Pelosi’s plan will reduce the number of new cures for patients - up to 15 new drugs will be lost. What if one of those new drugs is a cure to Alzheimer's?
But that estimate is incomplete. What if the actual number of new drugs lost is ten times that estimate? What will be the effect of the 95% tax on cures for American families? We don't know the answer to those questions. Why are we moving forward without those answers?
Unfortunately, we've seen this movie before ?
- In May, the Energy and Commerce Committee advanced bipartisan legislation to lower drug prices – such as the CREATES Act and pay-for-delay – only to have Speaker Pelosi pollute these bipartisan bills with poison pills on the House floor.
- Since May, Republicans and Democrats have been working on a bipartisan proposal to modernize Medicare Part D to lower drug costs for seniors. Those negotiations were upended when Speaker Pelosi’s plan was introduced last month.
The headlines speak for themselves
- Inside Health Policy: GOP Was Close To Drug Pricing Deal With Dems Before Pelosi Bill Out
- Washington Post: Democrats are putting a political pothole in the way of bipartisan drug pricing bills
- Roll Call: Political tensions escalate as drug pricing bills move forward
It doesn't have to be this way.
The Energy and Commerce Committee has proven time and time again that bipartisan progress is possible on this issue, passing legislation into law to bring more generic drugs to market – which increases competition and brings down costs, develop the newest cures and treatments sooner, and reduce drug costs for seniors.
What happens when we work together?
- 1,171 generics approved by FDA in one year, more than ever before.
- 21stCentury Cures Act ? landmark legislation to deliver hope to patients.
- SUPPORT Act ? largest Congressional effort to combat a single drug crisis in history.
Once again, the headlines speak for themselves
- Washington Examiner: FDA again approves record-breaking number of generic drugs
- Washington Post: Congress passes 21st Century Cures Act, boosting research and easing drug approvals
- NBC News: House passes massive package to address opioids crisis
Bottom Line: We could pass bipartisan legislation into law right now to lower drug costs for Americans desperately in need. Democrats are doing everything in their power to ensure that doesn't happen, upending a history of regular order and progress along the way.
That's what you get when you put politics over progress - fewer cures and broken promises.