Upton Releases Report Chronicling Energy and Commerce Accomplishments in 2013

Jan 06, 2014
In the News

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) today released a report on the work of the committee in 2013. The end-of-session update continues the tradition of reports issued throughout the 112th Congress and earlier this year under Chairman Upton on the committee’s legislative and oversight accomplishments under the current Republican majority. The updates are part of the committee’s effort to increase transparency and ensure the public has easy access to the panel’s work. Continuing the committee’s strong record of success, the House is poised to consider several committee bills this week as the second session of the 113th Congress commences.

Upon releasing the report, Chairman Upton commented, "We had a strong record of accomplishment in 2013, and we look forward to building upon our record of bipartisan success. The committee will remain focused on promoting job creation and economic growth, transforming Washington to create a smaller, modernized government for the innovation era, and protecting families, communities, and civic initiatives."

The year-end report provides highlights of the work done by the full committee as well as each of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s six subcommittees throughout 2013, outlining each subcommittee’s legislative efforts, major hearing series, and other key initiatives. The report also details a comprehensive list of committee legislation signed into law.

2013 By the Numbers

The committee balanced aggressive oversight on behalf of taxpayers with a bold legislative agenda to deliver a series of victories for the American people in 2013. This required an active committee schedule that included 112 days of hearings and 29 days of markups, which resulted in a total of 22 bills and resolutions reported to the House, and 13 of its legislative initiatives reaching enactment through 9 public laws. The committee chalked up more than 344,000 visitors to its website, with 1.6 million page views on the site as the public engaged with the committee and its members online.

Innovative Engagement with the American Public

While the committee does extensive work through the traditional congressional hearings and markups, the panel has also explored creative new venues to present information, research, and policy ideas to the public. This includes extensive engagement through digital media, with more than 4,000 Facebook likes and nearly 15,000 Twitter followers, as well as regular content posted via Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, and other digital media outlets. Another channel for communicating with the public in 2013 was the committee’s original content issued under its "The Policy Paper Series," "The Oversight Paper Series," and "The Idea Lab" publications to highlight the work of its members on key issues of concern.

Offering a glimpse of the committee’s work in 2014, Upton commented, "We will keep our foot on the gas both legislatively, evidenced by the House voting on several of our measures this first week of the second session, and in our oversight work. Our thoughtful oversight of the health law will continue as cancellations outnumber signups, Americans lose access to their trusted doctors, and the rate shock becomes a sad reality. From building the Architecture of Abundance, highlighting Our Nation of Builders, to pursuing a #CommActUpdate, our aggressive agenda advances."

Read the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Report for the First Session of the 113th Congress HERE.
