Chairs Rodgers and Griffith Announce Oversight Hearing with EPA Inspector General on Biden’s Electric School Buses

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) today announced a hearing titled “Making the Grade?: Audit of the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program.”

“To advance their rush-to-green agenda, President Biden and Congressional Democrats set aside billions of taxpayer dollars for an electric school bus program that is divorced from the reality of what school districts could practically implement safely and efficiently. Issues such as limited EV infrastructure, supply chain constraints, as well as inclement weather-related complications raise serious concerns regarding whether EV buses can perform as effectively as traditional fleets at this time. Further, these limitations in rolling out the project elevate the risk for waste, fraud, and abuse. This hearing builds upon our investigation into the spending of infrastructure bill funding as well as work from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Inspector General, and it will give members an opportunity to examine one specific program vulnerable to misuse,” said Chairs Rodgers and Griffith. 

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing titled “Making the Grade?: Audit of the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program.”

WHAT: A subcommittee hearing to discuss oversight of the Biden administration’s electric school bus program. 

DATE: Wednesday, September 13, 2023

TIME: 10:30 AM ET

LOCATION: 2322 Rayburn House Office Building   


  • The Honorable Sean O’Donnell, Inspector General, Environmental Protection Agency 

This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Christen Harsha with the Committee staff at If you have any press-related questions, please contact Sean Kelly at or Christopher Krepich at