
Press Release Updates

Feb 7, 2025
Press Release

Subcommittee on Health Holds Hearing on New and Emerging Drug Threats

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  Congressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA-01), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, led a hearing yesterday titled  Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats . “One death due to illicit drugs is too many, and this hearing gave members the chance to hear from patient advocates and experts, including law enforcement and medical professionals. Solving the drug crisis will include everything from empowering law enforcement to crack down on drug traffickers to providing support to those struggling with substance use disorder,”  said Chairman Carter.  “This Subcommittee has led on proposing solutions to these problems in the last Congress, and this hearing shows signs that we will continue to do so moving forward.” Watch the full hearing  here . Below are key excerpts from today’s hearing: Rep. John Joyce (PA-13), Vice Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce: “Since the inauguration of President Trump, we have seen President Trump take immediate action to combat the growing threat of illicit fentanyl flowing through our borders. He designated the cartels in Mexico as a foreign terrorist organization and reached an agreement with the Mexican president to deploy her country's National Guard to help stop the transport of this deadly drug into our country. Unfortunately, these positive steps come only a few years after the inaction of the Biden Administration. And because of that delay, fentanyl poisoning has risen dramatically with seven out of 10 illicit fentanyl pills tested by the DEA in 2023 containing a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl. That's seven out of 10, and go back just two years before that, it was only four out of 10. Why would I say only four out of 10 deadly pills? Ray Cullen, thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing the story of your son, Zach. Can you talk about how fentanyl poisoning is distinct from an accidental overdose?”  Ray Cullen:   “Thank you for the question. So, in my opinion, an accidental overdose is when someone takes something—whether prescribed or not—that’s more of what they were supposed to then the body could handle. Poisoning to me means that someone took something that had something in it. that they were not expecting. So, in our case Zach purchased cocaine—bad decision—but the coroner told me that there was more fentanyl and cocaine in his system. He did not die because he took too much cocaine.” Rep. Neal Dunn (FL-02), Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health: “Doctor Westlake, as a medical doctor, I'm interested to hear from you about how this issue presents in the emergency room. Can you speak from your own experience—how the presentations of drug overdoses have evolved over the last few years?”   Dr. Westlake:   “I think when, when we kind of saw the starting, it was with prescription opioid epidemic, and there were overdoses on prescription pills because of the overprescribing issue. That has pretty, pretty much, you know, at least in Wisconsin, and my understanding across the country is pretty much stopped. And now it's moved on to the illicit substances. And then once they became the counterfeit, counterfeit substances, initially it was people that knew they were using and were taking risks, and now moved into people that don't even know that they're that they're using. The majority of overdoses that I see are people that are not aware that they're taking fentanyl. The last 10 overdoses that I've seen in the last couple of months, all thought they were taking heroin, and when we tested it, there was no opioid, it was all pure fentanyl that was they were overdosing from.” ###

Feb 6, 2025
Press Release

Chairmen Guthrie and Carter Applaud Passage of HALT Fentanyl Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Congressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA-01), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 27, the HALT Fentanyl Act , by a vote of 312 to 108. “As Republicans work to fix the previous Administration’s border crisis and save lives from fentanyl poisoning, this legislation will serve as an important tool for law enforcement to fight against transnational crime organizations and drug smugglers,” said Chairmen Guthrie and Carter . “We are grateful for Reps. Griffith and Latta for their leadership on this legislation and will work with the Senate to see it passed and sent to President Trump’s desk.”   “Today, the House took a critical step forward to combat the fentanyl crisis by passing the HALT Fentanyl Act. For far too long, the Biden administration’s failure to secure our border allowed this deadly drug to pour into our country and kill more than 200 Americans a day. This bill permanently classifies fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I, giving law enforcement the tools needed to halt this epidemic,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson . “With this legislation and President Trump’s recent actions to secure our northern and southern borders, Republicans are taking decisive, strong, and immediate action to keep these dangerous drugs out of our communities.”   “The ongoing fentanyl crisis has been fueled in part by a rise in lethal fentanyl-related substances. We are pleased to see House passage of the HALT Fentanyl Act, which prioritizes the safety of American life and highlights our commitment to defeating the scourge of fentanyl,” said Reps. Griffith and Latta . “Accordingly, we urge swift passage of HALT Fentanyl in the Senate so we can complement President Trump’s actions to curb the flow of fentanyl into America.”   Background:   Drug traffickers are able to exploit loopholes in the criminal code by making minor changes to the chemical composition of fentanyl, creating an “analog” or fentanyl related substances (FRS). Congress granted temporary scheduling authority that allows Drug Enforcement Agency to immediately schedule FRS as a class, removing the incentive for new FRS to be created. The temporary scheduling authority, however, expires in March 2025.  H.R. 27 , the HALT Fentanyl Act , led by Reps. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Bob Latta (R-OH), would make the temporary class-wide scheduling order for FRS permanent. It ensures law enforcement have the tools they need to keep these extremely lethal and dangerous drugs off our streets. The bill also ensures practitioners can research fentanyl related substances so we can better understand their overall effects on people's health.  ### 

Feb 6, 2025
Press Release

Chairman Carter Delivers Opening Statement at Subcommittee on Health Hearing on Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Congressman Buddy Carter (GA-01), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, delivered the following opening statement at today’s hearing titled  Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats. "As we gavel in the first Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health hearing, American families across the country continue to suffer from failures of the Biden-Harris Administration’s disastrous four years and its inability to address one of the greatest public health threats of our lifetimes: the illicit drugs pouring over our borders.  "Under the previous Administration, the United States experienced a historic rise of drug overdoses and poisonings, driven by an increased supply of synthetic opioids, such as illicit fentanyl and its analogs. "Last fiscal year, Customs and Border Protection confiscated over 21,000 pounds of fentanyl at our borders. That is enough fentanyl to kill every American several times over. And that’s just the drugs we know about.  "Under the Biden-Harris Administration, we saw rates of overdose and poisoning deaths skyrocket, peaking at nearly 108,000 in 2023, driven by the surge of fentanyl coming across our borders. Illicit fentanyl overdoses are now the number one cause of death among adults 18 to 45. Each year, more Americans are dying from illicit fentanyl than the number of American lives lost during the Vietnam War. "However, I believe we have a great opportunity to make significant and sustainable progress in combating this crisis. To do so we must continue to expand the availability of overdose reversal treatments like naloxone, removing the stigma associated with carrying it and making it as common as a fire extinguisher. Every school in America should have access to naloxone. "We must secure our borders to stop the scourge of illegal drugs, especially poisons like illicit fentanyl. President Trump has already made progress to address the fentanyl crisis by forcing Mexico and Canada to come to the negotiating table. With President Trump’s leadership, we must continue to crack down on China, Mexico, and anyone who smuggles fentanyl and other synthetic drugs across our borders with the sole intention of preying on Americans.  "Additionally, this Committee is already taking action to help keep illicit fentanyl out of our communities and save lives. Later today the House will vote on a bill developed by this Committee, the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act, which will take the critical step of permanently scheduling all fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Services Act.  "These tools and solutions address today’s problem. But, like the evolution of the opioid crisis from the over prescribing of oxycontin to today’s scourge of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, we must prepare for what’s next. In this hearing we’ll hear from our witnesses not just on the illicit drugs threatening our communities today but potential new threats that if left unaddressed will be driving this crisis tomorrow. "I look forward to hearing that testimony and working alongside my colleagues on addressing these issues." ###

Feb 6, 2025
Press Release

Law Enforcement and Advocates Urge Passage of HALT Fentanyl Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  Law enforcement and advocacy groups are urging Congress to pass H.R. 27, the HALT Fentanyl Act, led by Committee on Energy and Congress Members Reps. Morgan Griffith (VA-09) and Bob Latta (OH-05). Here’s what they have to say: “We commend your early prioritization of this issue and your leadership in pushing this legislation forward. The opioid epidemic continues to claim the lives of hundreds of Americans every day. As this crisis escalates, every delay in addressing it only increases the toll on our communities. For the sake of public safety, it is imperative that the House pass the HALT Fentanyl Act as it stands, without changes, and move it forward to law.” CLICK HERE  to read the letter from the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies (ASCIA), Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA), Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), Major County Sheriffs of America (MCSA), National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies (NASDEA), National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), National District Attorneys Association (NDAA), National HIDTA Directors Association (NHDA), National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition (NNOAC), National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA), Sergeants Benevolent Association NYPD (SBA). “We, the members of the Drug Enforcement Association of Federal Narcotics Agents, are writing to express our strong support for the Halt All Lethal Trafficking (HALT) Fentanyl Act. This bipartisan legislation is crucial in combating the devastating fentanyl crisis that has become the leading cause of death among young adults aged 18-45.” CLICK HERE  to read the letter from Drug Enforcement Association of Federal Narcotics Agents President Marshall Fisher. “The HALT Fentanyl Act is not just about strengthening law enforcement—it is about saving lives and protecting communities. By permanently scheduling fentanyl analogues, we are sending a strong message that the United States will not tolerate the continued destruction caused by this drug.” CLICK HERE  to read the letter from Association of Mature American Citizens Action Chairwoman Rebecca Weber. “On behalf of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), representing over 241,000 sworn law enforcement officers across the United States, I am writing to you to express our strong support for the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of (HALT) Fentanyl Act.  [...] “NAPO has long fought for resources to support law enforcement’s efforts to combat fentanyl, its analogues, and similar opioids. We thank you for your efforts to help the fight against the spread of this deadly poison in our communities and look forward to working with you to pass this important legislation.” CLICK HERE  to read the letter from NAPO Executive Director William J. Johnson. CLICK HERE  to read more about the HALT Fentanyl Act.   ###

Feb 5, 2025
Press Release

Subcommittee on Energy Holds Hearing on American Energy Dominance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Bob Latta (OH-05), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy, led a hearing titled  Powering America’s Future: Unleashing American Energy . Chairman Latta issued the following statement following the hearing: “Today, we are discussing the state of our nation’s energy system, reviewing Biden administration actions that have undermined our economic and national security, and, importantly, looking forward to how our subcommittee will meet our ever-expanding need for more energy,”   said Chairman Latta.   “In the last Congress, I asked our witnesses: ‘Do we need more or less energy?’ Every witness responded by saying ‘we need more energy, and we need it now.’” Watch the full hearing  here . Below are key excerpts from today’s hearing: Subcommittee Vice Chairman Randy Weber (TX-14) :  "The world benefits from our clean, reliable and affordable LNG shipped right to their doorstep. The Biden Administration’s LNG export ban had severe consequences in my district that impacted real people—not just companies. Real people, real families, and their lives. President Trump has taken decisive action on day one to reverse this ban in Southeast Texas applauds him for that. So, as we worked on unleash American energy, this impact will be felt worldwide. What role do you see going forward for Ellen Jane it's got to include Texas now, you know that. Do you see going forward, domestically, with jobs and revenue for our communities, as well as for our allies abroad who depend on it for their own energy security. I yield to you."   Amanda Eversole :  "Thank you very much for your question, Mr. Vice Chairman. The role that U.S. LNG plays, not only in our country, helps drive down emissions to a once in a generation low, but also this is geopolitical strength. Not to mention the fact that just last year alone, $14.4 billion came back to the United States because of exports. And the fact that the fact of the matter is, it helps us produce the affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy that we need." Congressman Rick Allen (GA-12) :  "Nuclear energy is vital to our nation's economic national environmental security. To unleash American energy, we need an all of the above approach and we need energy projects completed with greater speed than before. Mr. McCown, my Nuclear Licensing Efficiency Act focused on timely and predictable licensing. Given the demand for energy domestically, how critical it is for nuclear companies to have regulatory certainty at the nuclear regulatory Commission and how could that to more investment and innovation to ensure US global leadership in nuclear technologies?"   Brigham McCown:   "Yes, thank you, Mr. Allen. It's absolutely critical. It's crucial to deploy capital. You must have regulatory certainty, and we have to make this simpler, we have to make this better, faster for companies in order to invest." Congressman Gabe Evans (CO-08) :  "Now, we keep hearing that the US is producing record amounts of, energy, but it's not enough. We just heard commentary about what we're importing from Canada. Specific to my area, United Power, one of my local electric utilities, is projecting that they're going to need triple the amount of power in 10 years that they have now, and that's after doubling it in the last 10 years. And so that means relying on all of the above energy policies, including natural gas. And so the question to you is, what can we do as federal policymakers to create an environment that's more hospitable to domestic energy development, particularly around oil and gas, and particularly, in difficult states like Colorado?"   Amanda Eversole :  "Congressman, thank you very much for your question. One thing that we haven't talked a lot about today is about 25% of exploration and production for oil and gas takes place on federal lands and in federal waters. And the last administration, unfortunately, last year alone. was the first year since 1966 that there wasn't a lease sale in federal waters. And it really, it just doesn't have to be that way. We can’t. We need to have access to our raw materials, but we can do it in a way that's responsible because the American consumer is the one who benefits through affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy." ###

Feb 5, 2025
Press Release

Chairman Latta Delivers Opening Statement at Subcommittee on Energy Hearing on Ensuring American Energy Dominance

Subcommittee Chairman Latta’s opening statement as prepared for delivery:   Welcome to today’s hearing 'Powering America’s Future: Unleashing American Energy.' Today, we are discussing the state of our nation’s energy system, reviewing Biden administration actions that have undermined our economic and national security, and, importantly, looking forward to how our subcommittee will meet our ever-expanding need for more energy.    Unleashing American Energy  "Welcome to today’s hearing “Powering America’s Future: Unleashing American Energy. "Today, we are discussing the state of our nation’s energy system, reviewing Biden administration actions that have undermined our economic and national security, and, importantly, looking forward to how our subcommittee will meet our ever-expanding need for more energy. "In the last Congress, I asked our witnesses: do we need more or less energy?  "Every witness responded by saying “we need more energy, and we need it now”.  "The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that the United States will consume record amounts of electricity in 2024 and 2025. The Department of Energy’s Berkeley Lab estimates that U.S. data center load growth, which already encompasses half the data centers in the world, is projected to double or triple by 2028.  "Last Congress, we heard extensive testimony from grid experts and operators about the impacts of burdensome regulations like the Clean Power Plan 2.0 that will drive out resources that are essential to keeping the lights on and our economy flowing.  "Households and businesses alike continue to struggle under high energy prices that have followed excessive federal spending and anti-fossil fuel policy decisions of the Biden administration.  "In 2008, House Republicans first showcased the “all-of-the-above” energy strategy that supports this diverse mix of energy sources without the government picking winners and losers – which is better for meeting demand and better for the environment.  "Intermittent energy sources, such as solar and wind, have a role to play in a diverse energy mix. However, we must maintain our baseload power that is delivered from fossil fuels, nuclear, and hydropower.  "While resources are strained, the next generation economy will require massive amounts of reliable, affordable, and abundant energy. My district in Ohio is home to over 86,000 manufacturing jobs and is seeing the data center energy demand arrive. "When it comes to winning the AI race, all energy solutions need to be on the table: small modular nuclear reactors, traditional nuclear power, intermittent renewables, batteries, natural gas, and fuel cells, just to name a few.  "But our nation’s energy future is at a turning point, and the world is not waiting for us." Maintaining Global Leadership  "Adversarial nations actively seek to exploit our energy demand to undermine our position on the world stage. "Unfortunately, misguided actions from the Biden administration, like the LNG export ban, handicapped diplomatic tools of energy abundance. "Instead, the Biden administration’s “electrification or nothing” and “rush to green” approach has only emboldened adversaries like communist China who manipulate critical mineral markets and limit exports of key materials for our manufacturing sector and defense industrial base.  "Meanwhile, China is doubling down on their efforts to gain a leadership position in the global race for AI development and the next generation economy.  "Here’s the good news: it’s a new day in America and President Trump has led a necessary reset of our national energy strategy.  "As we look to the future of our nation’s energy needs, this subcommittee will be essential to ensure our electric grid is secure against physical and cyber-attacks and natural disasters. We will unlock our abundant resources through permitting reforms that can ensure innovations and advancements are happening here in America. "We will build on the bipartisan success of the ADVANCE Act and the Nuclear Fuel Security Act to usher in next generation nuclear, discuss innovative solutions for spent fuel like recycling and storage, and expand America’s nuclear fuel infrastructure to restore our global nuclear leadership. "This committee must address the growing energy demand, and all of the issues that come with it. I look forward to the constructive dialogue today as we embark on a path to reassert North American energy dominance.  "With that, I yield 30 seconds of my time to the gentleman from Colorado." ###

Feb 5, 2025
Press Release

Reps. Griffith and Latta Pen Op-Ed: The HALT Fentanyl Act Gives Americans Hope

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a new opinion piece penned in the Washington Examiner , House Committee on Energy and Commerce members Reps. Morgan Griffith (VA-09) and Bob Latta (OH-05), along with House Republican Conference Chairwoman Lisa McClain (MI-09), laid out the case for passing H.R. 27, the HALT Fentanyl Act , to give law enforcement the tools needed to fight against fentanyl-related substances flowing into our nation. The fentanyl crisis in America is an unnecessary story of anguish and despair, one that elicits pain and stifles hope. The story of 23-year-old college student Zach Cullen, who was preparing for life beyond college, is one of those stories of anguish. He spent four years delivering pizzas from Papa Johns and was interested in developing a technology company. Nine days after Cullen’s birthday, his parents got painful news. They were informed by police that their son, the youngest of their three boys, died from fentanyl-related poisoning. Cullen’s parents later testified before a House Energy and Commerce Committee roundtable demanding change. House Republicans then committed to preventing future tragedies such as Cullen’s. We put pen to paper and worked on a bill to save lives and crack down on the fentanyl crisis: the HALT Fentanyl Act. CLICK HERE to read the full piece. CLICK HERE to read more about the HALT Fentanyl Act.  ###

Feb 5, 2025
Press Release

Chairmen Guthrie and Bilirakis Announce CMT Subcommittee Hearing on Advanced Manufacturing

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Today, Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade, announced a hearing titled  AI in Manufacturing: Securing American Leadership in Manufacturing and the Next Generation of Technologies. “Our country’s rich manufacturing history has been a cornerstone of the American economy, driving entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic growth. New consumer-facing artificial intelligence applications have captured the public imagination, but the development and deployment of enterprise AI technologies has also transformed manufacturing in recent years. By fostering innovation, strengthening supply chains, and promoting a skilled workforce, we can secure American leadership in the next generation of manufacturing,”   said Chairmen Guthrie and Bilirakis.   “We look forward to rolling up our sleeves alongside workers in these industries to build a foundation for the next great American manufacturing revolution.” Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade hearing titled  AI in Manufacturing: Securing American Leadership in Manufacturing and the Next Generation of Technologies. WHAT : Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade hearing addressing technology in manufacturing. DATE : Wednesday, February 12, 2025 TIME : 10:00 AM ET LOCATION : 2123 Rayburn House Office Building This notice is at the direction of the Chairmen. The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at  If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Alex Khlopin with the Committee staff at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Daniel Kelly at . ###

Feb 3, 2025
Press Release

Chairman Guthrie Applauds the Confirmation of Chris Wright as Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Today, Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, issued the following statement after Chris Wright was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as Secretary of the Department of Energy. “Maintaining affordable and reliable energy will be key to both our economic success and national security in the years ahead. Secretary Wright understands the importance of utilizing our domestic energy resources to secure the grid, lower prices, and create family-sustaining jobs,”   said Chairman Guthrie .  “I congratulate Secretary Wright on his confirmation and look forward to working with him to restore American energy dominance.” ###