#Cures2015 is Critical
May 19, 2015
The Flood of Support Continues Ahead of Vote TOMORROW
The Energy and Commerce Committee is set to vote on the 21st Century Cures Act tomorrow. The nonpartisan legislation will help to modernize and personalize health care, encourage greater innovation, support research, and streamline the system to deliver better, faster cures to more patients. This effort has seen continued support since the launch of the 21st Century Cures initiative last year. The flood of support continues this week prior to the vote:
"The 21st Century Cures Act includes a number of proposals designed to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and support the development of life-saving, life-enhancing medical technology."
American Academy of Neurology:
"Thank you for taking such important leadership roles on this critical issue."
Coalition for Pediatric Medical Research:
"On behalf of the Coalition for Pediatric Medical Research, an alliance of our nation’s leading children’s hospitals and pediatric research institutions, we are writing to thank you for including provisions to strengthen and enhance our nation’s commitment to pediatric research. … Given this level of support for pediatric research, the Coalition for Pediatric Medical Research is most pleased to endorse this legislation."
Flag & General Officers’ Network, Inc.:
"This legislation is crucial because drug-resistant bacteria are infecting our military, veterans and fellow citizens at an alarming rate and, in far too many cases, we do not have the drugs to treat them. … We salute your efforts and leadership in addressing this important issue."
Health HIV:
"We applaud your efforts to expedite treatments and cures for Americans, particularly those who need access to the most innovative treatments as soon as they are deemed safe and effective. …The 21st Century Cures initiative provides great structure for bringing to fruition the medical discoveries of this new century. We appreciate your efforts to make certain these new therapies and cures reach patients as quickly as possible."
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:
"This landmark legislation will spur the discovery, development, and delivery of safe and effective therapies for the more than one million Americans fighting blood cancers today, as well as those who will be diagnosed with these cancers in the future."
MS Coalition:
"It is extraordinarily exciting to be part of a concentrated and intentional effort to accelerate the discovery, development and delivery of treatments to people with chronic illnesses and diseases."
National Organization for Rare Disorders:
"On behalf of the 30 million men, women, and children affected by one of the nearly 7,000 known rare diseases, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) thanks you and the Energy and Commerce Committee for your continuing support of the rare disease community. … Thank you again for the opportunity to engage in this exciting and much-needed initiative."
Oncology Nursing Society:
"Thank you again for the inclusion of Sections 2082 and 2083 in the 21st Century Cures Act. We stand ready to work with you and your staff to reduce and prevent suffering from cancer, and are committed to maximizing the potential that nurses, the largest group of health care professionals, have in reducing the incidence of cancer."
Parkinson’s Action Network:
"We are grateful for your support of this important priority."
University of Michigan Medical School:
"The University of Michigan Medical School and Health System thanks you for your Committee members for your leadership in advancing the 21st Century Cures initiative. We are especially pleased to support the provision adding ‘research’ to the definition for ‘health care operations’… Thank you for your important leadership."
See what E&C members are saying HERE.
See what patient groups, health care organizations, and researchers are saying HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Learn more about Cures HERE and join in the conversation on social media using #Cures2015.