Patient Groups, Stakeholders Continue to Applaud #Cures2015 “Vision” and “Leadership”
May 14, 2015
Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Bipartisan leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee today unveiled an updated draft of the 21st Century Cures Act as support for the multiyear initiative continues to build. 21st Century Cures is a new approach to tackle disease by updating how we research and regulate. Patient groups and other leaders in health care continue to line up behind 21st Century Cures, underscoring the importance of achieving this common goal this year. The Subcommittee on Health will advance this important legislation today, marking an important steps in delivering #Cures2015 to the president’s desk this year.
Research America Coalition, representing nearly 200 groups
"The deliberative process you have undertaken to arrive at the Innovation Fund has helped clarify the issue: We are sustaining our research enterprise with 20th Century resources in the face of 21st century opportunities and challenges. … Thank you again for your leadership, vision and determination to speed medical progress."
EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases
"I am incredibly grateful to you all and the members of your staff for working together to ensure that safe and effective treatments for rare diseases are developed and delivered to those in need. With 95 percent of rare diseases having no FDA-approved treatment, we believe the OPEN ACT will potentially double the number of well-tested therapies approved by the FDA for use in treating rare disease patients. We also believe the OPEN ACT will lead to many more rare disease therapies at affordable prices, fewer rare disease patients using untested and potentially ineffective drugs off–label, and a boost in investment and jobs in the biotech sector."
"This is an issue that affects every American family, and the strong bipartisan support for moving forward is heartening. … We are pleased it includes a number of proposals to improve the innovation ecosystem that supports the development of life-saving, life-enhancing medical technology."
Association of American Medical Colleges
"We commend the committee leaders for drafting legislation that would authorize and provide increased funding for the NIH, including $10 billion over the next five years in mandatory funding through an NIH Innovation Fund. … Research means hope for patients and families suffering from serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, depression, and Parkinson’s."
James Madara, M.D., Executive President and CEO of the American Medical Association
"On behalf of the physician and medical student members of the American Medical Association (AMA), I applaud the dedication and leadership that you and the Committee have demonstrated by working in a bipartisan fashion and engaging stakeholders so that we are able to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery cycle that will save lives."
Peter L. Saltonstall, President and CEO of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
"The Committee and its staff deserve praise for their efforts to bring these ideas together to help patients."
PLGA Foundation
"We thank you for your dedication, vision, and hard work towards bringing bi-partisan legislation forward that will speed the development and delivery of cures to patients. … Our patients cannot wait."
United for Medical Research
"We are profoundly grateful for your leadership and for the tremendous effort you and the House Energy and Commerce Committee made to develop meaningful and truly bipartisan legislation on NIH funding and policy. … The great work you and your staff have done to address these critical national needs is inspiring, and the members of UMR are deeply appreciative."
Read more support for 21st Century Cures online here and here.