E&C Republicans Call Out President Biden’s Reckless Greenhouse Gas Fund

Jan 31, 2024

Top Takeaways from our Oversight Hearing

The Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee held a hearing with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to examine President Biden’s $27-billion so-called “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF).” The hearing further exposed how the program is vulnerable to waste, fraud, and abuse.

Here are our top three takeaways:

1. The Biden administration is preparing to funnel taxpayer money to political allies to advance their rush-to-green agenda.

Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA): One serious contender for a share of this 14-billion dollars is Power Forward Communities. This new entity, which has been formed to secure a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund award, is a coalition of several organizations, including Rewiring America.

Rewiring America’s leadership includes a former Obama White House appointee, a former employee of liberal political action committees, and Democratic politician Stacey Abrams. Rewiring America is a project of the Windward Fund, which is controlled by Arabella Advisors. Arabella Advisors funnels donations to various left-leaning nonprofits.

To give another example, the board of another applicant, the Coalition for Green Capital, includes former Biden administration officials and former senior staffer of the Democratic National Committee. These include David Hayes, a former senior official of President Biden’s White House Climate Policy Office, who was central to advancing President Biden’s climate agenda.”

2. The EPA could not confirm whether or not the Chinese Communist Party could receive money from the GGRF.

Rep. Palmer (R-AL): Can you guarantee the American people that none of this money will wind up in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party? 

EPA: Unfortunately, Congressman, the answer is a little more complicated. 

3. The EPA is investing taxpayer funding in projects that the private sector doesn’t consider worthwhile and could not confirm what metric they would use to determine if a project actually reduced emissions.

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL): So you’re just kind of building the metrics as you go along, is what I’m hearing?

Bottom line: The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is a $27-billion slush fund of taxpayer money that will be used by the Biden administration to fund its radical rush-to-green agenda. Energy and Commerce Republicans will continue our oversight efforts to stop this green corruption.

CLICK HERE to watch the full hearing.

CLICK HERE to learn more about our oversight efforts.