E&C Advances Bill to Boost Drinking Water for Rural America

Nov 18, 2015
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The Energy and Commerce Committee today unanimously passed S. 611, the Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Systems Assistance Act – companion legislation to H.R. 2853, a bill introduced by Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Vice Chairman Gregg Harper (R-MS) and Ranking Minority member Paul Tonko (D-NY). The legislation helps smaller and rural communities across the country deal with the technical and financial challenges of regulations under the Safe Water Drinking Act. Often, smaller and rural communities face significant hurdles when it comes to maintaining, replacing, and upgrading their aging drinking and wastewater infrastructure.

S. 611 would:

  • Reauthorize the EPA program proving technical assistance to small public water systems.
  • Authorize EPA to provide technical assistance programs to small public water systems through grants or cooperative agreements made to non-profit organizations.

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Chairman John Shimkus (R-IL) commented, “This popular program is important to all our rural water system managers, and to their customers, who need technical assistance to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act’s stringent standards. By passing this legislation today on a bipartisan basis, without amendment, we’re hopeful it will be considered by the full House as soon as possible.”

S. 611 is further evidence of the committee’s commitment and ongoing work to provide safe and reliable drinking water. Earlier this year, President Obama signed into law H.R. 212, the Drinking Water Protection Act. The legislation was sponsored by committee member Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) and required EPA to develop and submit a plan to Congress for assessing and managing risks from cyanotoxins in drinking water. Mr. Latta introduced the measure following an algal bloom in Lake Erie.

To view the plan, click here.
