House Passage of H.R. 4015 a Major Milestone to #FixSGR and Provide #FairnessForAll

Mar 14, 2014
Press Release

Bipartisan Majority Approves Legislation to Provide Peace of Mind to Medicare Patients and Doctors

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders today spoke in support of H.R. 4015, the SGR Repeal and Medicare Provider Payment Modernization Act, legislation that was approved by a vote of 238 to 181. H.R. 4015 was authored by Vice Chairman of the Health and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittees Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), and is the product of a bipartisan, bicameral agreement.

Full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) commented, "We have never come this far in finding a permanent solution. But there is still much work to be done after today’s vote, and I call on my good friend Senator Ron Wyden to pick up the torch and work with Majority Leader Harry Reid to put politics aside, stand up for our seniors and doctors, and let’s solve SGR this year."

Energy and Commerce Committee members spoke in support of H.R. 4015:

"With this vote today we take an important step toward replacing the flawed formula while at the same time protecting Americans by delaying the individual mandate of Obamacare by five years. While the current administration continues to add delays when it’s politically expedient, this policy gives certainty for individuals that they wont be taxed or fined for not complying with a law that they cant afford." – Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (R-GA)

"This bill will provide doctors who treat Medicare patients with certainty, incentivize and reward doctors to keep seniors healthy with better care, and provide individuals relief under Obamacare." – Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)

"It is patient access that is the core of this issue." – Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)

"This bill before us presents each and every member of this body a simple choice: do we patch Medicare, or do we fix it? Do we choose to fight for the Medicare promise that this country has made every American, or do we vote against it?  … We must not let another opportunity to save Medicare for our seniors fall by the wayside. … Did you scream hypocrisy when President Obama delayed the mandate for special interests here in DC? Then why would you scream hypocrisy now? The time for political games is over. It’s time for members of this body to choose: are you on the side of seniors in your district that depend on Medicare or are you against them? Are you on the side of younger Americans who keep telling us they are struggling under an Obamacare plan that forces them to choose between groceries and health care? Are you for saving Medicare or will you vote to let it go bankrupt?" – Health Subcommittee Chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA)

"For four and a half weeks, since February 6, the policy has been out there for all to see. We have awaited anyone from the Senate side who wanted to talk to us about negotiating bipartisan payfors. Radio silence. … Now that the House is moving a bill and will likely pass the bill today, with a decent payfor that is in fact bipartisan because 27 Democrats voted for this very payfor last week on the floor of this House… This is a bipartisan pay-for. It has passed the floor of this House in a bipartisan fashion. It is ready to go. We call upon our colleagues in the other body, use whatever Senate procedures you need to, but get this done because the clock is ticking." – Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX)

