House Votes to Promote Manufacturing Renaissance, Create U.S. Jobs

Nov 20, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. House of Representatives today voted to strengthen American manufacturing and create jobs by passing H.R. 4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act. This commonsense solution, authored by House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), will help make America’s manufacturing renaissance a reality by creating a more transparent and efficient preconstruction permitting process for new factories and expansion projects. It provides the public with more information on permit applications and gives applicants the timely guidance they need to implement new or revised air quality standards.

"Perhaps most important of all to manufacturing states like Michigan, we can use our energy advantage to reverse the gradual decline in American manufacturing that has been going on for decades and create a real resurgence in the years ahead. The Promoting New Manufacturing Act will help us achieve that goal and continues our efforts to build the Architecture of Abundance," said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). "We want to be a world leader in manufacturing, not in red tape. I am glad the president identified the potential of new American manufacturing in his State of the Union address, and acknowledged that there is red tape that needs to be cleared away. H.R. 4795 will help make this goal a reality."

"This bipartisan jobs bill serves as a check and balance against job-killing radical EPA regulations by increasing transparency, cutting through unnecessary red tape, and forcing unelected bureaucrats to use real science to prove that their regulatory proposals can actually be achieved in the real world," Rep. Scalise said. "By bringing transparency to the convoluted permitting process and cutting red tape at the EPA, we can jumpstart our nation’s economy and get our country back on track. I would like to thank my colleagues in the House for passing this much-needed legislation that will help revive our country’s manufacturing base and create thousands of high-paying jobs for hard-working Americans."

"Our manufacturing renaissance is far from a done deal, especially given the cumbersome permitting process that these projects must go through. It would be a great disservice to the American people if our nation’s natural gas advantage is squandered through an unnecessarily lengthy bureaucratic process that delays or even prevents these job-creating modern new facilities from being built," said Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). "This bill includes reasonable steps to streamline the permitting process, something that the administration agrees needs to be addressed. It is a commonsense solution to ensure America’s manufacturing renaissance can commence as soon as possible."

To learn more about H.R. 4795, click HERE. To see what people are saying about H.R. 4795, click HERE.
