ONE YEAR LATER: Upton and Walden Comment on #CommActUpdate Progress and Plan for 2015

Dec 04, 2014

 #TBT: Upton and Walden host Google Hangout launching #CommActUpdate a year ago this week

One year ago this week, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) announced a bold initiative, the #CommActUpdate, to review and update our nation’s communications laws. Upton and Walden today commented on the committee’s progress.

"Written in a time when the telegraph was the prevailing technology and last updated when dial-up Internet was considered lightning speed, the Communications Act has not kept pace with the innovation that has been the hallmark of America’s technological leadership. We have made incredible strides, but we can be doing better," said Upton and Walden. "Over the past year, the committee has sought and received thoughtful public and stakeholder feedback on a variety of issues to inform our work moving forward. As that work continues, we will begin drafting legislation next year to update the law to better meet the dynamic needs of the 21st century."

In the year since the announcement, the committee has asked for and received public input through a series of white papers and held a hearing with former chairmen of the Federal Communications Commission to better understand their perspective on the law. 

#TBT: #SubCommTech Chairman Greg Walden after the #CommActUpdate hearing with former FCC chairmen

Visit the committee’s one-stop-shop on the #CommActUpdate.
