
Jan 08, 2014
Press Release


Welcome to the Energy and Commerce Committee's one-stop-shop for information about the committee's plans for a #CommActUpdate. White papers, press releases, and links to all #CommActUpdate materials will be posted below.


The Committee on Energy and Commerce is issuing a series of white papers as the first step toward modernizing the laws governing the communications and technology sector. The primary body of law regulating these industries was passed in 1934 and while updated periodically, it has not been modernized in 17 years. Changes in technology and the rate at which they are occurring warrant an examination of whether, and how, communications law can be rationalized to address the 21st century communications landscape. For this reason, the committee initiated an examination of the regulation of the communications industry, and offers this opportunity for comment from all interested parties on the future of the law.

Using a Google Hangout, full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) announced their plans for the #CommActUpdate. Watch here:


#CommActUpdate: Perspectives from Former FCC Chairmen (January 15, 2014)

White Papers

White Paper 1: Modernizing the Communications Act (January 8, 2014)

White Paper 2: Modernizing U.S. Spectrum Policy (April 1, 2014)

White Paper 3: Competition Policy and the Role of the Federal Communications Commission (May 19, 2014)

White Paper 4: Network Interconnection (July 15, 2014)

White Paper 5: Universal Service Policy and the Role of the Federal Communications Commission (August 22, 2014)

White Paper 6: Regulation of the Market for Video Content and Distribution (December 10, 2014)


Upton and Walden Announce Plans to Update the Communications Act (December 3, 2013)

NEWS: Media Outlets Report on Committee Plans for #CommActUpdate (December 4, 2013)

OPINION: Randolph May in the Washington Times: A New Digital Age Communiations Act (January 2, 2014)

Committee Releases First #CommActUpdate White Paper (January 8, 2014)

OPINION: Fred Upton and Greg Walden in Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News: A #CommActUpdate To Promote Innovation and Economic Growth (January 9, 2014)

Committee Holds First #CommActUpdate Hearing (January 15, 2014)

Committee Releases #CommActUpdate White Paper Focused on Spectrum Policy (April 1, 2014)

Committee Focuses on Competition Policy in Latest #CommActUpdate White Paper (May 19, 2014)

Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden in the Idea Lab: At 80 Years Old, It's Time for a Tune-Up (June 19, 2014)

Thune, Pai Express Support for #CommActUpdate (June 25, 2014)

#CommActUpdate Efforts Continue With Interconnection White Paper (July 15, 2014)

Committee Continues #CommActUpdate Process With White Paper on the Universal Service Program (August 22, 2014)

ONE YEAR LATER: Upton and Walden Comment on #CommActUpdate Progress and Plan for 2015 (December 4, 2014)

Upton and Walden Release #CommActUpdate White Paper on Video Policy (December 10, 2014)