Committee Focuses on Competition Policy in Latest #CommActUpdate White Paper

May 19, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today continued the process leading to a #CommActUpdate with the release of a white paper focused on competition policy. Last year, Upton and Walden announced that the committee will spend this year gathering information and public input on our communications laws and landscape, including a white paper series that seeks public input to understand areas where the law is no longer working effectively and determine areas of improvement to foster an environment for innovation, consumer choice, and economic growth.

"The communications and technology sectors are among the most dynamic in our economy. On the Internet, everyone from 100 year-old blue-chip companies to startups that are little more than one person with a great idea compete head-to-head. The paper we released today seeks public input on how this dynamic affects competition policy - specifically how the Communications Act, as well as policies at the FCC, promote or limit competition in the marketplace," said Upton and Walden. "We have received great input from our first two white papers, Modernizing the Communications Act and Modernizing U.S. Spectrum Policy, and look forward to continued public response as we work to ensure our laws appropriately reflect the realties of the innovation era."

While these questions address competition policy and the FCC’s role in its formulation and application, the committee encourages comment on any aspect of competition policy and updating the Communications Act. Please respond by June 13, 2014, to

To read the white paper, click here.

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