Committee Releases #CommActUpdate White Paper Focused On Spectrum Policy

Apr 01, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today continued the process of seeking public input as part of the review leading to an update of the Communications Act. In December, Upton and Walden announced that the committee will spend this year gathering information for a comprehensive #CommActUpdate, including a white paper series that seeks to understand areas where the law is no longer working effectively and find ways to improve it to foster an environment for innovation, consumer choice, and economic growth. The white paper released today focuses on spectrum policy.

"Today we continue our white paper series as we work to gather information and perspectives for our review of the Communications Act," said Upton and Walden. "Our inaugural paper generated a great response, and we appreciate the time and attention that went into the informative submissions and encourage continued participation as the series develops. Our work leading to an update of our communications law will be exhaustive, and we anticipate a number of white papers over the coming months that will each focus on a specific issue related to our effort to ensure our laws correspond with the innovation era."

While the questions posed in this white paper address specific spectrum issues, the committee encourages interested parties to comment on any aspect of spectrum policy. Responses should be submitted to by April 25, 2014.

To read the white paper, click here.

Click here for the committee’s one-stop-shop for #CommActUpdate news and information.
