#CommActUpdate Efforts Continue With Interconnection White Paper

Jul 15, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today continued the process of seeking public input ahead of a #CommActUpdate by releasing a white paper focused on the interconnection of telecommunications networks. The white paper seeks comment on the regulatory framework surrounding network interconnection in light of dramatic ongoing and rapid technological advances.

"We have seen a remarkable evolution in the technology that consumers now enjoy - from the monopoly telephone network of yesterday to the complex Internet protocol and mobile phone networks that drive modern communications, innovation, and help create jobs," said Walden. "This white paper continues our work toward a #CommActUpdate with an eye on one of the most important aspects of communications policy - the way we ensure these many networks work together to deliver information and content and keep Americans connected."

While this white paper is focused on specific interconnection regulation, the committee encourages comment on any aspect of updating the Communications Act. Please respond by August 8, 2014, to commactupdate@mail.house.gov.

To read the white paper, click here.

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