President Signs Gregg Harper’s Gabriella Miller #KidsFirst Research Act Into Law

Apr 03, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama today signed the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act, legislation introduced by committee member Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS), marking the tenth Energy and Commerce Committee public health bill to become law in the 113th Congress. This law will redirect wasteful spending on political conventions to important pediatric research.

"This law – part of Gabriella Miller’s incredible legacy – will help provide hope to kids and families all across the country, including the Kennedy family in Mattawan, Michigan, whose two little girls are courageously battling SMA. Gabriella’s unparalleled strength and optimism have been an inspiration to all," said Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). "We wish she were here with us today as we celebrate this milestone, and know she is smiling down as we mark this important step in our effort to accelerate the pace of cures and improve the public health." 

"Inspired by Gabriella Miller’s captivating advocacy, this law gives hope to our country’s most vulnerable kids. Kids fighting life-threatening conditions. Kids facing developmental disorders. And kids like Evie Horton from my home state, whose strength and determination in overcoming the struggles of Spinal Muscular Atrophy continuously energizes my public service," said Harper. "I am thrilled that lawmakers in both chambers with varying political views recognized the value of expanded and improved medical research and set aside differences to advance this practical act."

NOTE: The House of Representatives approved the Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Support Reauthorization Act earlier this week. That bill, championed by Health Subcommittee Chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA) and Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) in the House and authored by Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), will mark the eleventh committee public health bill to become law in the current Congress.
