Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Are Under Attack

In our last Lives Worth Living blog, we talked about the amazing work of pro-life pregnancy centers.

Seventy-six percent of moms facing unexpected pregnancies say they would prefer to choose life if their circumstances were different.

Pro-life pregnancy centers like the ones Cassie and Serena visited are helping moms at every stage of their pregnancy to find hope, guidance, sustained support, and security.

It’s horrific that pro-life pregnancy centers helping women and moms are under attack and facing violent threats from pro-abortion activists.

Instead of supporting and defending more pro-life pregnancy centers that provide health care and support to women at every stage of life, President Joe Biden and the Left are working to dismantle the work of these amazing centers. They won’t strongly condemn the violence and threats pregnancy centers are facing.

In June alone, there were more than 30 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers. Here are just a few:

This Florida pregnancy care center was vandalized with graffiti of threatening phrases like, “Your time is up,” “We’re coming for U” and “Jane’s revenge.”

LifeChoice Pregnancy Center in Winter Haven. Photo courtesy of Rebecca Klein

Several pregnancy centers in Michigan were attacked in the span of just three days. One of the centers had multiple windows broken and graffiti of the phrase, “If abortion isn’t safe neither are you!”

The Lennon Pregnancy Center in Dearborn. Photo courtesy of the Lennon Pregnancy Center

A pregnancy center in Virginia was vandalized with graffiti that included the phrase, “If abortion ain’t safe you ain’t safe,” and an anarchist symbol. Multiple windows and the front door were also broken.

Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Lynchburg. Photo courtesy of Lynchburg Police Dept.

This Christian pro-life pregnancy center in Colorado is recovering from heavy fire and smoke damage after being set on fire by pro-abortion activists. The building also suffered from broken windows and graffiti.

Life Choices in Longmont. Photo courtesy of Longmont Police Dept.

A pregnancy center in Minnesota had windows broken and was vandalized with graffiti of the pro-abortion message, “Abortion is liberation.”

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life in Minneapolis. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

Attacking these centers doesn’t celebrate the value and potential of human life or support women in a vulnerable position. These attacks do the opposite – signaling that a parent who has chosen life is unworthy of love and support.

President Biden and the Left MUST condemn the violence and threats toward pro-life pregnancy centers. This is just the beginning of a new era to define the human rights issue of our generation.

As Leader Rodgers said, “This Supreme Court decision marks a chance for us to restore hope and healing for every family — for moms and their children at every stage of life. May it begin with each one of us doing our part to protect and celebrate all life in the greatest experiment in self-governance the world has ever known.”

Let's come together as a nation to affirm every life is worth living by providing care, hope, and support for moms and their children at every stage of life. 

CLICK HEREto read more on the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act.

CLICK HERE to watch Cassie and Serena share their stories with the Human Coalition.

CLICK HERE to meet Chloe. Her life is worth living and she’s telling the world “Embrace, don’t erase Down syndrome.”