#RecordOfSuccess Grows with DOTCOM Approval

Jun 23, 2015
Press Release

House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Protect the Internet

WASHINGTON, DC – The House of Representatives today approved H.R. 805, the Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters (DOTCOM) Act, bipartisan legislation authored by Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL). The DOTCOM Act aims to protect the future of the Internet by ensuring that Congressional oversight of the administration’s transition of the Domain Name System to the global Internet community.

“By advancing the DOTCOM Act, we are ensuring that the Internet - the world’s greatest platform of ideas, commerce, and social connection - continues to thrive to the benefit of folks in Michigan and every corner of the country,” said full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). “Once again, our committee’s efforts demonstrate that Congress can work together to achieve meaningful results and build a bipartisan record of success.”

“We have a responsibility to see that the IANA transition is done right, and the DOTCOM Act will help to ensure that it is. This legislation reaffirms our commitment to a transition that protects a free and open Internet with appropriate oversight of NTIA,” added full committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ). “The DOTCOM Act also shows what we can accomplish when our work is bipartisan from the start. I want to thank Chairmen Upton and Walden and Representative Shimkus for working with us to craft this thoughtful, bipartisan solution. I look forward to continue working with you all and our colleagues in the Senate to see this bill become law.”

“From the time the administration announced their intent to transition the IANA functions from ICANN to the international multi-stakeholder community, the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Communications and Technology Subcommittee have been committed to thorough oversight of any path forward,” added Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR). “This legislation makes clear that the Administration shall not proceed without first answering to Congress. Our oversight of the transition adds a vital check to this process, and emphasizes that the United States takes this transition seriously.”

“I’ve said time and again that this is far too important to rush and that we must carefully consider all of the potential consequences and outcomes before any transition occurs,” said Shimkus. "We get one bite at the apple on this and we need to make sure it’s done correctly."
