Scalise Kicks Off House Debate on FCC Consolidated Reporting Act

Sep 09, 2013
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The House of Representatives today will vote on legislation to streamline Federal Communications Commission reporting requirements by reducing the number of reports the commission is obligated to produce. Authored by Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) along with Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Ranking Member Anna Eshoo (D-CA), the FCC Consolidated Reporting Act, H.R. 2844, will grant Congress, industry, and consumers timely access to the commission’s best analysis of the communications landscape at the beginning of each Congress. The legislation will require one Communications Marketplace Report instead of the eight separate reports currently required. H.R. 2844 also eliminates references to four outdated reports, including one on the status of competition in the telegraph industry that dates back to 1934.

"This bill is another step in the process of streamlining government so that businesses can focus their time and resources on growing our economy and creating jobs, instead of complying with outdated and burdensome mandates from the federal government," said Scalise. "By consolidating eight annual and triennial reports into a single biennial Communications Marketplace report, not only do we recognize this new budget reality by giving the FCC more flexibility and tools to drive greater efficiencies, but we can usher in a platform to analyze the converged nature of today’s highly competitive, intermodal communications industry, which has moved beyond the traditional confines of the ’92 and ’96 Cable and Communications Acts."

Watch Rep. Scalise’s floor remarks in favor of H.R. 2488 here

"This is the kind of nuts and bolts work that I think helps clean up government, helps make it more efficient, make it more productive, make it more affordable and get it out of the way," added Chairman Walden.

Watch Rep. Walden’s floor remarks in support of H.R. 2488 here

The Energy and Commerce Committee approved the legislation by voice vote in July. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) has authored similar legislation in the Senate, S.1379.
