Upton Applauds House Passage of Legislation to Develop American Energy, Say Yes to Jobs with the Keystone XL Pipeline

Feb 16, 2012
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) today issued the following statement applauding the passage of H.R. 3408. Included in the legislation is a provision from the Energy and Commerce Committee requiring swift approval of the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline.

"This is now the third time the House has acted to force action on the Keystone XL pipeline -a project that is so important for our economy and energy security. The pipeline will bring secure energy to America, support the creation of thousands of jobs, and help bring down prices at the pump. But despite these benefits, the president refused to approve the project. With gas prices headed quickly toward $4 a gallonĀ and beyond, and unemployment still above 8 percent, we cannot afford to delay this pipeline any longer. I am pleased to see this important pro-jobs, pro-energy solution included as part of a broader package that will remove barriers that prevent us from developing American energy resources, and I applaud Chairman Hastings for his work on this package.

"Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of President Obama's failed $1.2 trillion stimulus. He promised more spending would dig us out of the unemployment rut, yet millions of Americans remain out of work. Keystone XL is a true shovel-ready project that will create tens of thousands of jobs -without costing taxpayers a dime. Keystone XL represents exactly the kind of private investment we need to jumpstart our economy and drive down unemployment. I am pleased my colleagues on both sides of the aisle have joined me in this fight for jobs and greater energy security. We will continue to fight until American workers break ground on this project."
