Upton Applauds Swift Senate Action to Ensure Satellite TV Service for Over a Million Subscribers

Nov 20, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) today applauded the United States Senate’s swift action to approve bipartisan legislation that ensures 1.5 million satellite television subscribers continue to receive broadcast programming and makes a number of changes to improve the video marketplace for consumers. H.R. 5728, the STELA Reauthorization Act is a bipartisan product of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. The House approved H.R. 5728 by voice vote on Wednesday.

"When Americans flip on their TV, they aren’t thinking about legislative deadlines and complex policy negotiations – they just want it to work, with the programming they want. This bill makes sure satellite customers can keep accessing broadcast content, and it also starts the important process of modernizing our laws as consumers continue to change how and what they watch" said Upton. "I’m pleased with this bipartisan legislation that reflects the input and insight of both houses of Congress and look forward to that ongoing cooperation as we approach the dynamic issues of our innovation economy."

H.R. 5728 has received the support of groups including 21st Century Fox, ABC / Disney, the American Cable Association, the American Television Alliance, CBS, Charter Communications, Comcast, DIRECTV & Dish Network, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, and US Telecom.
