Upton: “If the president were sincere in his apology and serious about keeping his promise to the American people, he would work with Congress on bipartisan proposals like the Keep Your Health Plan Act.”

Nov 14, 2013
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC -- House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement of another administrative "fix" to his health care law:

"For the last six weeks, the White House stood idly by as cancellation notices flooded the mailboxes of millions of Americans – including 225,000 Michiganders – who took the president at his word that they could keep their health plans. Now, one day after getting an earful from panicked House and Senate Democrats, the president is bypassing Congress and taking matters into his own hands.

"Our main priority should be helping the American people. Today’s abrupt pivot comes after the White House has spent the last week attacking our thoughtful approach to begin to give peace of mind to those folks worried about losing their affordable health care.

"If the president were sincere in his apology and serious about keeping his promise to the American people, he would work with Congress on bipartisan proposals like the Keep Your Health Plan Act.

"Implementation of this law has been disastrous, leaving worried Americans without the health care plans they had, skyrocketing premiums, and limited access to doctors. Tomorrow, as we vote on the Keep Your Health Plan Act, we call on the president to work with Congress, not around us."

The House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act, on Friday. This bill would allow insurance companies to offer health care plans available on the individual market today, next year. Americans would have the choice to enroll in those plans without facing a penalty under the health care law. More information about the one-page bill is online here.
