Walden: Speaker Pelosi Drug Plan Puts #PoliticsOverProgress

Sep 25, 2019
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Greg Walden (R-OR) today slammed Speaker Pelosi's partisan drug plan and called on Democrats to focus on bipartisan solutions to lower drug costs for consumers. During the Health Subcommittee hearing, Walden said the Pelosi plan puts "politics over progress" and undermines bipartisan negotiations at the Energy and Commerce Committee to deliver real results for Americans.

Walden gives remarks at Health Subcommittee hearing today. Click here to view the remarks.

Key excerpts from Walden's remarks:

WATCH: Speaker Pelosi drug plan puts #PoliticsOverProgress

"This is partisan politics at its worst and it’s an avoidable failure. A failure to build on our bipartisan progress to lower prescription drug prices for consumers."

WATCH: When we work together = real results for Americans

"With a bipartisan and inclusive process, Republicans have previously worked with Democrats to push for legislation that promotes competition, lowers out-of-pocket costs for consumers, and establishes transparency and accountability in drug pricing. We worked together to pass the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016 and the FDA Reauthorization Act in 2017 that opened the door to more generics being approved in one year than in the history of the FDA and we did that in a bipartisan way."

WATCH: Questions for Democrats

"Why were you forced to walk away from the table? We wanted and still want to work with you on addressing this issue for the American people. But now we have before us a partisan plan that puts politics over progress.

"Are you even able to negotiate from here? Or is this it? Take it or leave it? Are you willing to make substantive changes so we can reach bipartisan agreement? Or is this the end? Check a box. Score a political point. Move on."

WATCH: The Free Market Works – Medicare Part D 

"Now, when it comes to setting prices, I was on the Committee when we passed Medicare Part D. It was a huge fight, it’s true. And there was a decision made to establish the program the way it is, and Democrats did want to set prices. In fact, they wanted to put in statute the Part D premium and index it to inflation - $35 in 2006. Had they done that, it’d be $46 today. This week, Medicare announced the premium in 2020 will be $30 per month, not $35, and certainly not $46. That’s about a third lower for seniors than if you had followed the Democrats’ plan to lock it in statute.

"There’s a way to make the free market work for consumers. There’s a way to save for seniors."