WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: H.R. 3301 Will Unleash North America’s Energy Boom

May 07, 2014
Press Release

Thanks to private sector advancements in innovation and technology, North America’s energy renaissance is well underway and has yielded enormous economic and security benefits. However, antiquated regulatory policies and red tape are blocking the construction of an integrated infrastructure system that is needed to transport the continent’s growing energy supplies. Leading energy experts, economists, and policy analysts from across the political spectrum are calling for reforms so we can build this Architecture of Abundance, and strengthen our partnership with Canada and Mexico toward achieving greater energy independence. H.R. 3301, the North American Energy Infrastructure Act, answers these calls by modernizing and reforming the approval process for cross-border energy projects. The Energy and Commerce committee will vote on this important bipartisan legislation this week. For more details, click HERE.

"The United States is leading an unprecedented resurgence in North American energy production. The entire continent stands to achieve substantial economic, environmental and security benefits. But we will not realize these opportunities unless we establish the infrastructure needed to create an integrated North American energy sector. … Although the technology for producing energy has evolved dramatically in the past four decades, the process for siting cross-border infrastructure has not. Our permitting polices are antiquated and poorly matched to our rapidly evolving needs. … The fact that these executive orders do not specify any particular time line or standards for making the national interest determination have created a process ill-suited for the country's changing energy landscape."

-- Pete Domenici, former U.S. Senator from New Mexico and a senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center, and Jason Grumet, President of the Bipartisan Policy Center

"The domestic energy boom certainly delivers big results for the U.S. economy—new jobs across the country, access to cheaper energy, and an improved trade balance—but it would be foolish to stop at the congratulatory stage. New domestic energy production is rapidly recalibrating our infrastructure needs and is a fresh reminder to constantly invest in national-level improvements. Taking a cue from the electrification and pipeline construction craze of the last century, it’s critical we begin to build the energy infrastructure to power this century’s economy."

-- Adie Tomer, Senior Research Associate at the Brookings Institution

"The North American energy landscape is shifting in significant ways. The development of abundant tight oil and unconventional natural gas resources creates an historic opportunity to enhance economic growth throughout North America and improve the region’s competitiveness in global markets. However, the development of these resources, along with shifting demand needs, necessitates an expansion of the energy infrastructure and a re-evaluation of North America’s place in the global energy market. This transformation in physical infrastructure is well underway but by its very nature, lags behind the rapid development of the resource base.  The ability to smooth this transformation will play a critical role in capturing the possible benefits from the development of the expanding resource base."

-- Center for Strategic & International Studies

"North America has deepened its status as an emerging energy powerhouse. The Mexican energy reforms offer a compelling opportunity for Canadian firms to be involved in exploration and production, marketing, and the provision of services to the Mexican oil and gas sector.  Integrating North American energy markets is a win-win for the countries involved."

-- Christian Gómez, Jr., Director of Energy, Council of the Americas

"With new North American resource abundance, we have the opportunity to better control our destiny and move to greater independence. But we cannot hope to do that without a robust integrated North American energy marketplace."

-- Denise Bode, former Chairman of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission

"Where possible, Canada and the United States should go forward in harmonizing regulatory standards and streamlining the permit processes for cross-border infrastructure."

-- Institute for International Economics

"To fulfill their energy potential, the three governments [U.S., Canada and Mexico] need to work together on a policy and infrastructure – such as pipelines and electricity grids."

-- Robert. B. Zoellick, Peterson Institute for International Economics
