WTAS: Landmark Bipartisan Privacy Draft Bill Will Protect Americans’ Personal Data

Washington, D.C. — More of our personal information is shared online than ever before. Americans deserve more transparency and control over who can access and use their personal data.  

Last week, House Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Ranking Member Roger Wicker (R-MS)

Washington Post: ?“A bipartisan group of legislators in the House and Senate struck a deal on data privacy legislation Friday, proposing a bill that would allow users to opt-out of targeted advertisements and to sue Internet companies that improperly sell their data. 

“...Consumer rights advocates say, the proposed compromise legislation is the biggest breakthrough to date for efforts to pass a federal privacy law, which have been bogged down amid partisan disagreements.  

“For years, Democrats and Republicans have remained at odds over to what extent a federal privacy law should override state measures, such as the landmark California Consumer Privacy Act, and whether it should give consumers the right to bring their own lawsuits against violators.  

“The legislation unveiled Friday seeks to strike a compromise, including a limit on when and how users can sue Internet companies, and measures that would supersede most state digital privacy laws.  

“Staffers on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a bipartisan discussion draft for data privacy legislation in December 2019, but this is the first time a proposal backed by panel leaders has drawn bicameral support.”  

Axios: “Why it matters: The U.S. has lagged behind the E.U. and China in establishing national privacy rules for online platforms, but this bipartisan effort shows signs of life even as the looming midterms mark the unofficial end of legislating.  

“Driving the news: House Energy & Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), ranking member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Senate Commerce Committee ranking member Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Friday unveiled a discussion draft of their American Data Privacy and Protection Act.  

“How it works: The bill would require companies to minimize the data they collect, ban targeted advertising to children under 17 years old and allow people to sue companies for violations under certain circumstances.”    

Wall Street Journal: “A bipartisan group of House and Senate leaders announced broad agreement on establishing online privacy rights for Americans, in a big step forward for the long-delayed legislation.  

“The legislation would put strong new limits on how technology companies can collect and use consumer data.” 

Here is what industry experts and top voices in privacy are saying about this bipartisan effort to give Americans more control over the personal information they share online: 

Congratulations to @SenatorWicker, @cathymcmorris, and @FrankPallone for their leadership introducing the American Data Privacy and Protection Act /1 https://t.co/APCFjWKWrY
— Noah J. Phillips (@FTCPhillips) June 3, 2022
A big thank you to @SenatorWicker, @FrankPallone, and @cathymcmorris for their comprehensive data privacy bill. Looking forward to reading it. Would be great to get federal privacy legislation across the finish line. https://t.co/bUjGhgo85j
— Christine S. Wilson (@CSWilsonFTC) June 3, 2022
I'm very impressed with this effort by @SenatorWicker and @cathymcmorris. Strong privacy legislation that empowers the consumer, avoids any Big Tech carve-outs, and holds the most powerful companies accountable. Good work! https://t.co/bCm730FrsU
— Jon Schweppe (@JonSchweppe) June 3, 2022
Read @ITI_TechTweets statement regarding @FrankPallone’s, @cathymcmorris’s, and @SenatorWicker’s release of a discussion draft on federal #privacy legislation: https://t.co/uN3qz3mxg4 pic.twitter.com/JuUjaDlOLz
— ITI (@ITI_TechTweets) June 3, 2022
The need for a federal privacy bill that protects consumers & gives businesses certainty about their responsibilities has never been greater. Read our statement on the new privacy bill introduced by @SenatorWicker, @FrankPallone, & @CathyMcMorris: https://t.co/cFuOCYlZSK pic.twitter.com/aTlOtIaPBN
— TechNet (@TechNetUpdate) June 3, 2022

Click here to read the discussion draft bill text. 

Click here to read a section-by-section on the discussion draft.