Year-End Package Builds on Committee’s Bipartisan #RecordOfSuccess

Dec 18, 2015
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. House of Representatives today approved a year-end spending package that included a number of Energy and Commerce Committee legislative priorities. Among the committee efforts included in the bill are an increase in NIH and FDA funding by $2 billion, lifting the 40-year-old ban on oil exports, permanently reauthorizing the World Trade Center Health Fund for 9/11 first responders, and several public health initiatives.

“They say the proof is in the pudding – and this package includes a number of Energy and Commerce priorities to improve public health, take care of our 9/11 heroes, boost cures research, and lift the 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports that will create jobs and keep energy affordable,” said Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). “These accomplishments are a testament to the hard-work, tenacity, and expertise of our committee members – we are proud of our growing bipartisan record of success.”

Among the E&C Initiatives Included in the Year-End Package:

Lifting the Ban on Crude Oil Exports

Lifting the ban has been a priority of the Energy and Commerce Committee. In October, the House passed H.R. 702, bipartisan legislation authored by Chairman Emeritus Joe Barton (R-TX) that eliminated the ban on crude oil exports. The measure was also added to the committee’s sweeping energy bill, H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure, which passed the House in early December. 

WATCH Chairman Emeritus Joe Barton (R-TX) explain a few of the many benefits of Friday’s vote to #LiftTheBan.

Advancing Cures
The measure includes a $2 billion funding boost for NIH and a $133 million increase for FDA – levels near what the bipartisan H.R 6, the 21st Century Cures Act, sought for Fiscal Year 2016. H.R. 6, which included increased funding and important structural reforms, passed the House in July by a vote of 344 to 77. 

WATCH Chairman Upton deliver a special announcement regarding 21st Century Cures in the year-end spending package. #CuresNow.

Taking Care of our First Responders
The World Trade Center Health Fund, which provides health care for the first responders who answered the call of duty on 9/11 and subsequently fell ill because of their bravery, will be permanently reauthorized.

WATCH Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) deliver good news to our #911Heroes.

The Year-End Package also Includes Public Health Initiatives to:

·       Improve Patient Safety
·       Care for our Seniors
·       Help Children with Rare Diseases
·       Delay Onerous Menu Labeling Requirements
·       Address Mental Illness

Learn more about these five initiatives HERE.
