A Young Boy Grows Up on the #Path2Cures
In reflecting on the three-year journey of #CuresNow becoming law, there was one young advocate who was there every step of the way – our friend Max. The tiniest of advocates first joined the #Path2Cures in the late spring of 2015 at the tender age of six. Max has been a critical voice and played an important role in helping us get this game-changing innovation package across the finish line.
His story is a familiar one. Max has a RASopathy called Noonan syndrome, which is a rare genetic condition that prevents normal development in various parts of the body. Max has helped lead the charge for #CuresNow—visiting 83 Senate offices over the course of two days and taking over the House GOP blog to explain the importance of 21st Century Cures.
On Monday of this week, Max celebrated his eighth birthday. He’s now a grizzled veteran of Capitol Hill. Earlier this year he proclaimed his birthday wish was to see #CuresNow become law. Max got his wish.
Follow along for Max’s journey on the #Path2Cures below, and be sure to check out some bonus photos on our Facebook page too.
May 2015: On the Way to the Big Committee Vote.
Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) guides then 6-year-old Max down the committee hallway towards the #FullCmte markup on #CuresNow.
May 2015: Max Grabs the Gavel!
One of Max’s first committee appearances was May 20, 2015, when the #FullCmte convened to markup and unanimously pass #CuresNow by a vote of 53 to 0.
July 2015: Six-Year-Old Steals the Show at the Capitol Press Conference.
Max joined Chairman Upton and Rep. DeGette for a press conference outside of the U.S. Capitol on July 10, 2015, after the House passed 21st Century Cures (for the first time!) 344 to 77.

April 2016: No Letting Up for the Then 7-Year-Old Advocate.
To build momentum and urge support of #CuresNow, Max and his mom personally delivered some of his famous artwork to 83 different Senate offices on April 12, 2016.
December 2016: Time to Celebrate!
To celebrate the Senate passing #CuresNow, Max hosted an ice cream party on Capitol Hill last Wednesday. Ice cream toppings included sprinkles, Oreos, and chocolate syrup! Max and his mother, Lisa, were in the Senate Gallery for the 94-5 vote.
December 2016: Max Makes Sure Speaker Ryan is Wearing his #CuresNow Flair for the Enrollment Ceremony.
Ahead of the December 8, 2016, enrollment ceremony for the bipartisan 21st Century Cures bill, Max met privately with House Speaker Paul Ryan in the Speaker’s office.
December 2016: Max Takes the Podium.
“Cheers to Cures!” Max delivered remarks about the importance of #CuresNow at the Enrollment Ceremony. With Speaker Ryan’s signature, the bill then moved to the White House for the president’s signature.
December 2016: One Day After Turning 8-Years-Old, Max Watches History at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The three-year journey on the #Path2Cures culminated with a signing ceremony at the White House, where Max had the opportunity to meet President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. It’s been an incredible journey and we couldn’t have gotten here without our friend Max.
The #Path2Cures has kept Max pretty busy, so he made sure that Vice President Biden signed his note for missing school. President Obama signed the note too!