Chair Rodgers Statement on the American Privacy Rights Act

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) issued the following statement regarding the American Privacy Rights Act:

“For every parent, for individual liberty, and for the future of this country, we will continue our pursuit to give Americans privacy rights online.

“Everyone knows someone who has suffered because of the current state of the online ecosystem. It is happening with alarming frequency, especially to our children. The American people are exhausted, anxious, and losing hope with the status quo.

“At its core, the massive commercial surveillance of data is fueling the problem. Nearly every data point imaginable is being collected on us with no accountability. They are using our data against us, sowing division, manipulating truth, and diminishing our personal identities.

“We cannot continue down this path. The American people are asking Congress to step up and pass a privacy bill. It is foundational to our future and the next generation.

“Today, I’m calling for all moms, dads, and freedom-loving Americans to join me in this fight."