Subcommittee Chair Duncan Opening Remarks at Hearing on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Rush-to-Green Agenda Raising Energy Prices

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Chair Jeff Duncan (R-SC) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s hearing titled “From Gas to Groceries: Americans Pay the Price of the Biden-Harris Energy Agenda."  9.11.24 Duncan Energy Prices Opener.png

“Today, we are going to review the past four years to examine how record high energy prices have impacted American families and the pursuit of the American dream.

“Since the beginning of this Congress, Members of this Subcommittee have attended numerous hearings and roundtables focused on the issues that impact our everyday lives.”


“Since day 1, the Biden-Harris administration has waged war on American energy and the results have been devastating.

“The facts are undeniable.

“Inflation surged out of control, and price levels remain unacceptably high.

“Records have been set with historically high prices for gasoline, diesel, fertilizers, and many fossil-fuel based commodities.

“Supply chain shortages have rippled across the economy, affecting everything from computer chips to toilet paper.

“Americans are paying more for groceries, housing, and credit card bills than when the administration took over.

“Massive government spending and tax subsidies have distorted energy markets and have destabilized our electric grid.

“Who pays the price for all of this?

“Every American, rich and poor, is paying more and getting less under the Biden-Harris agenda.”


“Americans are suffering under the Biden-Harris administration’s energy policies.  

“Energy powers our economy. The cost of energy—fossil fuels and electricity—is embedded in everything we buy.   

“From gas to groceries, everything costs a lot more than it did four years ago.  

“My Democratic colleagues may not want to admit it, but American families are feeling the pain.

"Inflation. Grocery bills. Housing costs. These are the issues people are talking about around their kitchen tables.

“These are the issues people care about.”


“Today’s hearing will give members an opportunity to hear the stories of Americans on the frontline of the Biden-Harris administration’s war on American energy.

“We will learn how the American dream is being threatened by energy and economic policies that prioritize a global climate agenda over American families.

“We will hear how federal regulations targeting fossil fuel production and electric generation are resulting in record-shattering electricity bills and forced power outages.

“We will also learn why our groceries cost so much more now than they did four years ago.

“We will examine the false promises of a ‘green transition’, and why claims of ‘price gouging’ are another distraction from the administration’s failed policy agenda. 

“Prices are high because of the built in costs of energy and commodities— these trends are directly related to the policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

“Today’s hearing highlights this Subcommittee’s work this Congress.

“We’ve held dozens of hearings with expert witnesses and administration officials. We’ve explored the issues sector-by-sector across our jurisdiction.

“And a consistent lesson has emerged: increasing the supply of energy and reducing regulatory roadblocks to ease the cost of delivering energy provides a powerful driver for the economy and for lower prices.

“Republican’s have worked to do this.

“We have also passed important legislation, including H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to reform the energy permitting process and reverse harmful regulations that threaten economic growth.

“We still have important work to do, and I hope to use the remainder of this Congress to push these important reforms over the finish line.”