As White House Doubles Down on #BrokenPromise, House Passes #KeepYourHealthPlan Act

Nov 15, 2013
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) applauded today’s House passage of H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act. The House of Representatives approved the Keep Your Heath Plan Act by a vote of 261 to 157.

This bipartisan legislation would allow health care plans currently available on the individual market to continue to be offered next year, expanding choices and beginning to provide peace of mind to the millions of Americans who have been left to worry in the wake of the president’s broken promise. Under the Keep Your Health Plan Act all Americans would have added flexibility around their health coverage enrollment options without facing a penalty under the health care law. The White House has threatened to veto this bill, saying, "Congress should work with the administration to improve the law and move forward," just hours after working "around" Congress and announcing another administrative "fix."

"For the last six weeks, the White House stood idly by, ignoring the pleas of millions. But as the administration’s allies in Congress panicked, the White House went from attacking our thoughtful bill to making an end run around Congress," said Upton. "Worse yet, the White House doubled-down on the president’s broken promise, threatening to veto our bipartisan lifeline to the millions of folks who took the president at his word. Sadly for many Americans, it’s cancellations today and sticker shock tomorrow. Today, with bipartisan support, the House stood up and gave a voice to those folks receiving cancellation notices and passed the Keep Your Health Plan Act. It’s a start, and much more work remains. Let’s keep the promise."

More background on the Keep Your Health Plan Act is online here.
