Chair Rodgers Urges Support for the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act

Washington. D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following remarks on the House Floor today in support of H.R. 1615, the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, a bill to prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from implementing a ban on gas stoves.

“I rise in support of H.R. 1615, the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, led by my friend, Congressman Kelly Armstrong.

“It is bipartisan here in the House and is a companion to Senators Cruz and Manchin’s bipartisan legislation in the Senate.

“It will stop efforts by the Consumer Product Safety Commission that could result in an outright ban or substantial price increase in the cost of gas stoves while still allowing the commission to continue its important safety work for these appliances.

“Commissioner Trumka suggested that the CPSC should consider a ban on gas stoves.

“He said quote, ‘Everything is on the table.’

“As Fox News reported last week, his efforts go back even further than previously reported and include the Biden administration coordinating last summer with an environmental activist on the legal rational to ban stoves.

“To justify a ban, Mr. Trumka has also cited a study by the Rocky Mountain Institute, which has partnered with the Chinese government and is pushing America away from reliable and affordable energy.

“We must stop this agenda and make sure people have access to affordable appliances like gas stoves.

“We aren’t alone in raising the alarm that this effort to ban gas stoves goes too far.

“In fact, in California, a celebrity chef was recently given an exemption by local Democrats so he wouldn’t have to comply with Palo Alto’s natural gas stove ban in his new restaurant.

“Surely we can all agree today to allow every hardworking person in this country—regardless of their income or celebrity status—to have the same freedom to decide for themselves what stove is in their kitchen.

“Again, H.R. 1615 allows the CPSC to continue their important safety work, but it stops the administration from implementing a political agenda, completely divorced from reality, to ban an appliance that is preferred by 40 percent of American households.

“I thank Congressman Armstrong for his leadership.

“I urge strong bipartisan support on H.R. 1615.”