House to Vote to Lower Energy Costs, Create Jobs

Sep 16, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – This week the House will continue its work to create jobs and reduce costs for consumers by voting on the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act. Sponsored by Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE), this comprehensive energy legislation includes a number of bills previously passed by the House in the 113th Congress that remain blocked by the Democratic-controlled Senate. The package includes commonsense solutions to build a modern new energy infrastructure, ensure Americans have access to affordable energy, encourage new efficient and renewable energy technologies, promote the development of our energy resources, and embolden America’s energy diplomacy.

"American energy holds the key to creating jobs and promoting economic growth, which is why the House is focused on solutions to fulfill our country’s full energy potential. Energy is at the heart of American life, and we want to make it more affordable and accessible for everyone. We can do this by building pipelines to connect our abundant supplies to consumers, promoting the production of more American energy, embracing innovative strategies to use energy more efficiently, and working to stop expensive new rules from destroying jobs and increasing energy prices. We have long pursued a true ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy, and I look forward to standing with my colleagues in the House to reaffirm our commitment these policies as we say yes to jobs and yes to energy," said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI).  

"I am proud to lead this effort in support of lower energy costs and more American jobs," said Terry. "With the right policies, we can make real progress toward reducing prices at the pump and protecting families from higher monthly electricity bills. Lower energy costs also means lower prices for groceries and other consumers products. And by producing more American energy we can create more American jobs. Fostering the development and use of our energy resources is a winning strategy for consumers and our economy, and I am excited to bring this comprehensive package of American energy solutions to the floor."  

"America is standing at a critical crossroads when it comes to energy. We can either choose to accept the Obama administration’s path toward higher energy prices, more layoffs, and industrial stagnation, or we can set a new course – one that embraces our energy abundance, encourages the use of our all our energy resources, and welcomes the coming manufacturing renaissance," said Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). "The House has produced solutions to put us on the right path, and I hope my colleagues in the Senate will join us in saying yes to the promise of American energy."

Bills included in this week’s energy package are part of the committee’s efforts to build the Architecture of Abundance, a new energy policy for the 21st century that seeks to unleash the benefits of the American energy superpower. The American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act includes the following Energy and Commerce Committee bills:

  • The Northern Route Approval Act
    Authored by Rep. Terry, this commonsense legislation aims to end the regulatory delays blocking construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and finally allow the job-creating project to proceed after nearly six years of review. The bill would eliminate the need for a Presidential Permit, address all other necessary federal permits, and limit litigation that could further block the project’s construction.
  • Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act
    Authored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS), this legislation will expedite and modernize the federal review process for natural gas pipeline permits to help facilitate the construction of new pipeline infrastructure needed to help transport the nation’s growing natural gas supply to markets and consumers. The bill sets reasonable deadlines for review and helps hold agencies involved in the permitting process accountable. Despite the country’s growing supplies of natural gas, consumers in many areas of the country are still suffering from high heating prices due to a lack of adequate pipeline infrastructure. Consumers along the East Coast were hit particularly hard during last year’s Polar Vortex. This bill will get much-needed pipelines in the ground quicker, delivering relief to families and businesses across the country.
  • The North American Energy Infrastructure Act
    Authored by Chairman Upton, this bill will create a more modern and efficient cross-border approval process for oil pipelines, natural gas pipelines, and electric transmission lines that traverse the borders of the United States. The bill applies the lessons learned from the Keystone XL process, and will ensure that energy projects no longer fall victim to years of delay and red tape just because they cross an international border. Implementing a fair and standardized approval process for cross-border energy projects will help bring certainty to the regulatory process, encourage investment in job-creating energy infrastructure, and strengthen our partnership with Canada and Mexico toward achieving North American energy independence.
  • The Energy Consumers Relief Act
    Authored by Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), this legislation will help protect consumers from higher energy costs by increasing transparency for major EPA regulations. It requires that before EPA finalizes any new energy-related rules estimated to cost more than $1 billion, the agency must submit a report to Congress detailing certain cost, benefit, energy price, and job impacts. The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with other relevant agencies, then must make a determination regarding the impacts of the rule. EPA would be prohibited from finalizing certain rules if the rule is determined to cause significant adverse effects to the economy.
  • The Electricity Security and Affordability Act
    Authored by Rep. Whitfield, this legislation will protect a diverse electricity portfolio, which is needed to provide affordable and reliable energy to American households and businesses. According to EIA, electricity prices are already at the highest rate in five years, and EPA’s proposed power plants rules will cause rates to spike even further. Whitfield’s legislation directs EPA to adopt workable standards for new coal-fired plants that require technologies that have been adequately demonstrated and are commercially feasible. It would also instruct Congress to set the effective date for EPA’s regulations for existing plants.
  • The Thermal Insulation Efficiency Improvement Act
    Authored by Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), this legislation will help identify opportunities for federal agencies to use energy and water more efficiently. The bill requires the Department of Energy to evaluate and report potential energy savings available to federal agencies through greater use of thermal insulation.
  • The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act
    Authored by Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), this legislation will help speed up the Department of Energy’s approval of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. Increasing U.S. LNG exports would help boost the U.S. economy while increasing global energy security, and this legislation would bring certainty to the export approval process to ensure the U.S. does not miss this window of opportunity.

Click HERE to view the text of the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act. To learn more about the committee’s plan to say #Yes2Energy, visit: /yes2energy.
