House Votes to Say #Yes2Energy, Giving Senate a Second Chance to Support American Energy Solutions

Sep 18, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The House of Representatives today approved H.R. 2, the American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE), is a broad energy package that brings together American energy solutions previously approved by the House, including several bills authored by Energy and Commerce Committee members. H.R. 2 will help build a modern energy infrastructure, allow the safe and responsible production of America’s energy resources, ensure Americans have access to affordable and reliable electricity, promote efficient new technologies, and unleash the power of energy diplomacy. With today’s passage of H.R. 2, the House is giving the Senate a second chance to support these commonsense American energy solutions that will create jobs and make energy more affordable for all Americans.

"This is a commonsense energy approach that grows our economy, creates jobs, and ensures our energy is affordable and reliable," said Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE), sponsor of H.R. 2. "The House continues to do our job with legislation, but the Senate continues to block it. I am not going to stand idly by and keep allowing that to happen."

"Many of the American energy solutions we voted on today as part of this package received strong bipartisan support in the House, but Senate Leader Harry Reid has failed to bring any of them to the floor to a vote. Creating jobs and keeping energy affordable is a subject that should rise above partisanship. Today, we are giving the Senate yet another shot to put politics aside and American families first. We welcome the Senate to join us as we say yes to American jobs and yes to American energy," said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI).

"If America is going to remain competitive in the global marketplace, we need access to low-cost, abundant, affordable, and reliable electricity," said Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). "This commonsense bill will stop the president’s policies from driving up energy costs, and I urge the Senate to act."

Click HERE to learn more about the American energy solutions included in H.R. 2.

Click HERE to view a list of supporters of H.R. 2.
