

Innovation, Data, and Commerce

7 Updates

Interstate and foreign commerce, including all trade matters within the jurisdiction of the full committee; consumer protection, including privacy matters generally; data security; motor vehicle safety; regulation of commercial practices (the Federal Trade Commission), including sports-related matters; consumer product safety (the Consumer Product Safety Commission); product liability; and regulation of travel, tourism, and time. The Subcommittee’s jurisdiction can be directly traced to Congress’ constitutional authority “to regulate Commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”

Communications & Technology

1 Update

Electronic communications, both Interstate and foreign, including voice, video, audio and data, whether transmitted by wire or wirelessly, and whether transmitted by telecommunications, commercial or private mobile service, broadcast, cable, satellite, microwave, or other mode; technology generally; emergency and public safety communications; cybersecurity, privacy, and data security; the Federal Communications Commission, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the Office of Emergency Communications in the Department of Homeland Security; and all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security.

Energy, Climate, & Grid Security

8 Updates

National Energy Policy, energy infrastructure and security, energy related Agencies and Commissions, all laws, programs, and government activities affecting energy matters. National Energy Policy focuses on fossil energy; renewable energy; nuclear energy; energy conservation, utility issues, including but not limited to interstate energy compacts; energy generation, marketing, reliability, transmission, siting, exploration, production, efficiency, cybersecurity, and ratemaking for all generated power. Energy infrastructure and security focuses on pipelines, the strategic petroleum reserve, nuclear facilities, and cybersecurity for our nation’s grid. Our jurisdiction also includes all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security. Agencies and Commissions in our jurisdiction include: The US Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Subcommittees News & Announcements

Jun 28, 2024
Press Release

Chair Rodgers Statement on SCOTUS Ruling to Restore Article I Power

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) issued the following statement after the United States Supreme Court struck down the “Chevron Deference” in Loper Bright Enterprises, et al. v. Raimondo : “Article I of the Constitution established Congress’s role to write the laws of the land—not the Executive Branch. The Supreme Court’s ruling today will help restore the proper balance of power as the Founders envisioned it. Moving forward, major decision-making authority will no longer automatically be deferred to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Power has been placed back in the hands of the American people and their elected representatives, as the Constitution prescribes.” 

Jun 28, 2024
Press Release

Chair Rodgers Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Stay the So-Called "Good Neighbor" Rule

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released this statement following the Supreme Court’s decision in Ohio v. EPA : “The Supreme Court made the right decision to stay enforcement of the Biden EPA’s harmful rule and to allow completion of judicial review. This decision relieves states of the tremendous costs and harms from complying with a rule that is likely to be overturned. The compliance burdens this rule requires threaten to further undermine electric reliability and raise utility bills for Americans. The agency clearly overstepped its statutory authority to usurp states’ responsibilities for putting together emissions plans to address their responsibilities to neighboring states. I hope this decision compels President Biden to reverse course on his radical rush-to-green agenda and start working with states to bring more reliable, affordable power online, not less.” CLICK HERE to read about Chair Rodgers's April 2024 amicus brief with Senators Capito and Wicker. 

Chair Rodgers Statement on the American Privacy Rights Act

Washington D.C. —  House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) issued the following statement regarding the American Privacy Rights Act : “For every parent, for individual liberty, and for the future of this country, we will continue our pursuit to give Americans privacy rights online. “Everyone knows someone who has suffered because of the current state of the online ecosystem. It is happening with alarming frequency, especially to our children. The American people are exhausted, anxious, and losing hope with the status quo. “At its core, the massive commercial surveillance of data is fueling the problem. Nearly every data point imaginable is being collected on us with no accountability. They are using our data against us, sowing division, manipulating truth, and diminishing our personal identities. “We cannot continue down this path. The American people are asking Congress to step up and pass a privacy bill. It is foundational to our future and the next generation. “Today, I’m calling for all moms, dads, and freedom-loving Americans to join me in this fight."